Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

God bless Jeremy Hammond

JAY: --their argument's going to be a state has a right to protect its secrets, particularly its security secrets. A corporation has a right to protect its secrets. I mean, how do you deal with this issue? How do you balance this?
HEDGES: Well, not when they shred the Constitution and violate our most basic right to privacy. Not only that, remember that we now know from this information they are actively working to criminalize democratic dissent. That's a crime. It should be a crime. And whatever crime Jeremy Hammond committed is nothing, pales in comparison to the crimes that are being committed by the state. That's the point. The same thing with Chelsea Manning. Whatever crime Chelsea Manning may have committed, it is nothing compared to the war crimes in the fraud and the lies that are being perpetrated by the corporate state.
PS. Im Gegensatz zu Deutschland, wo anscheinend jegliche Aufklärung für den Arsch ist und die teutschen Dienste trotz ihrer offenkundigen Verstrickung in die NSU-Morde und andere Terroraktivitäten sich bislang noch vor keinem Gericht verantworten mussten (das kann sich ja durchaus noch ändern!!!)  gibt es in Amerika einen sehr aktiven und gut vernetzten Widerstand.

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