Freitag, 24. August 2012


Weil ich hier gerade aufgrund meines fiebrigen Brummschädels nicht in der Lage bin, dem potentiellen Publikum neue, zuträgliche Bidlergeschichten zu liefern, poste ich ausnahmsweise mal was aus meinem Spamordner. Normalerweise lese ich die Dinger ja nicht, sondern lösche sie direkt nach Erhalt, aber heute hatte ich so einen Impuls, da könnte evtl. was aufheiterndes drinstehen. Here we go:

I am Mr Tunde Bell. a computer scientist working with central bank of Nigeria. I just started work with C.B.N. and I came across your file which was marked X and your released disk painted RED, I took time to study it and found out that you have paid VIRTUALLY all fees and but the fund was not released to you.The most annoying thing is that they won't tell you the truth that on no account will they ever release the fund to you, instead they allow you spend money unnecessarily, I do not intend to work here all the days of my life, I can release this fund to you if you can certify me of my security.
I needed to do this because you need to know the statues of your Funds and cause for the delay, Please this is like a Mafia setting in Nigeria, you may not understand it because you are not a Nigerian. The only thing needed to release this fund is the Anti drug/terrorist clearance certificate which will be tendered to any of your nominated bank and the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) for clearance of the transferred amount in your account.
Once the Anti drug /terrorist clearance certificate is obtained funds will immediately reflect in your bank within 10 Minutes, the certificate is all that is needed to complete this transaction.
Note that the actual funds are valued at $15.5 MILLION USD and the president made a compensation fund release for all unpaid beneficiary valued at $10 million usd.
Listed below are the mafias and banks behind the non release of your funds that t I managed to sneak out for your kind perusal.

(es folgt eine Liste mit den Namen von 126 Personen und Banken )

Do get in touch with me immediately with my direct number +2348054595297 to conclude this final transaction immediately, and also send to me The Bellow Details,
Gefällt mir!

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